[27] [28]
[29] [30]
The Implementation
The Compiler
Compiled Methods
The Bytecodes
Block Contexts
Primitive Methods
Object Memory
The Hardware
Two major components of the Smalltalk-80
system can be distinguished: the
virtual image and the virtual
The virtual image consists of all of the objects in the system.
The virtual machine consists of the hardware devices and machine
language (or microcode) routines that give dynamics to the objects in the
virtual image.
The system implementer's task is to create a virtual machine. A virtual
image can then be loaded into the virtual machine and the Smalltalk-80
system becomes the interactive entity described in earlier chapters.
The overview of the Smalltalk-80 implementation
given in this chapter is organized in a top-down fashion, starting with
the source methods written by programmers. These methods are translated
by a compiler into sequences of eight-bit instructions called bytecodes.
The compiler and bytecodes are the subject of this chapter's first section.
The bytecodes produced by the compiler are instructions for an interpreter,
which is described in the second section. Below the interpreter in the
implementation is an object memory that stores the objects that
make up the virtual image. The object memory is described in the third
section of this chapter. At the bottom of any implementation is the hardware.
The fourth and final section of this chapter discusses the hardware required
to implement the interpreter and object memory. Chapters
27 - 30 give a detailed specification of the virtual machine's interpreter
and object memory.
Source methods written by programmers are represented in the Smalltalk-80
system as instances of String. The Strings contain sequences
of characters that conform to the syntax introduced in the first part of
this book. For example, the following source method might describe how
instances of class Rectangle respond to the unary message center.
The center message is used to find the Point equidistant
from a Rectangle's four sides.
^origin + corner / 2
Source methods are translated by the system's compiler into sequences
of instructions for a stack-oriented interpreter. The instructions are
eight-bit numbers called bytecodes. For example, the bytecodes corresponding
to the source method shown above are,
0, 1, 176, 119, 185, 124
Since a bytecode's value gives us little indication of its meaning to the
interpreter, this chapter will accompany lists of bytecodes with comments
about their functions. Any part of a bytecode's comment that depends on
the context of the method in which it appears will be parenthesized. The
unparenthesized part of the comment describes its general function. For
example, the bytecode 0 always instructs the interpreter to push the value
of the receiver's first instance variable on to its stack. The fact that
the variable is named origin depends on the fact that this method
is used by Rectangles , so origin is parenthesized. The
commented form of the bytecodes for Rectangle center
is shown below.
Rectangle center |
0 |
push the value of the receiver's first instance
variable (origin) onto the stack |
1 |
push the value of the receiver's second instance
variable (corner) onto the stack |
176 |
send a binary message with the selector + |
119 |
push the SmallInteger 2 onto
the stack |
185 |
send a binary message with the selector / |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the
value of the message (center)
The stack mentioned in some of the bytecodes is used for several purposes.
In this method, it is used to hold the receiver, arguments, and results
of the two messages that are sent. The stack is also used as the source
of the result to be returned from the center method. The stack is maintained
by the interpreter and will be described in greater detail in the next
section. A description of all the types of bytecodes will appear at the
end of this section.
A programmer does not interact directly with the
compiler. When a new source method is added to a class (Rectangle
in this example), the class asks the compiler for an instance of CompiledMethod
the bytecode translation of the source method. The class provides the compiler
with some necessary information not given in the source method, including
the names of the receiver's instance variables and the dictionaries containing
accessible shared variables (global, class, and pool variables). The compiler
translates the source text into a CompiledMethod
and the class
stores the method in its message dictionary. For example, the CompiledMethod
shown above is stored in Rectangle's message dictionary associated
with the selector center.
Another example of the bytecodes compiled from a
source method illustrates the use of a store bytecode. The message extent:
to a Rectangle changes the receiver's width and height to be equal
to the x and y coordinates of the argument (a Point). The receiver's
upper left corner (origin) is kept the same and the lower right
corner (corner) is moved.
extent: newExtent
corner := origin + newExtent
Rectangle extent: |
0 |
push the value of the receiver's first instance
variable (origin) onto the stack |
16 |
push the argument (newExtent) onto the
stack |
176 |
send a binary message with the selector + |
97 |
pop the top object off of the stack and store
it in the receiver's second instance variable (corner) |
120 |
return the receiver as the value of the message
The forms of source methods and compiled bytecodes are different in several
respects. The variable names in a source method are converted into instructions
to push objects on the stack, the selectors are converted into instructions
to send messages, and the uparrow is converted into an instruction to return
a result. The order of the corresponding components is also different in
a source method and compiled bytecodes. Despite these differences in form,
the source method and compiled bytecodes describe the same actions.
The compiler creates
an instance of CompiledMethod to hold the bytecode translation
of a source method. In addition to the bytecodes themselves, a CompiledMethod
contains a set of objects called its literal frame. The literal frame contains
any objects that could not be referred to directly by bytecodes. All of
the objects in Rectangle center and Rectangle extent:
were referred to directly by bytecodes, so the CompiledMethods
for these methods do not need literal frames. As an example of a CompiledMethod
with a literal frame, consider the method for Rectangle intersects:.
The intersects: message inquires whether one Rectangle
(the receiver) overlaps another Rectangle (the argument).
intersects: aRectangle
^(origin max: aRectangle origin) < (corner min: aRectangle corner)
The four message selectors, max:, origin, min:,
and corner are not in the set that can be directly referenced
by bytecodes. These selectors are included in the CompiledMethod's
literal frame and the send bytecodes refer to the selectors by their position
in the literal frame. A CompiledMethod's literal frame will be
shown after its bytecodes.
Rectangle intersects: |
0 |
push the value of the receiver's first instance variable
(origin) onto the stack |
16 |
push the argument (aRectangle) |
209 |
send a unary message with the selector in the second literal
frame location (origin) |
224 |
send a single argument message with the selector in the
first literal frame location (max:) |
1 |
push the value of the receiver's second instance variable
(corner) onto the stack |
16 |
push the argument (aRectangle) onto the stack |
211 |
send a unary message with the selector in the fourth literal
frame location (corner) |
226 |
send a single argument message with the selector in the
third literal frame location (min:) |
178 |
send a binary message with the selector < |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (intersects:) |
literal frame
The categories of objects that can be referred to directly by bytecodes
the receiver and arguments of the invoking message
the values of the receiver's instance variables
the values of any temporary variables required by the method
seven special constants (true, false, nil, -1,
and 2)
32 special message selectors
The 32 special message selectors are listed below.
+ |
- |
< |
> |
<= |
>= |
= |
~= |
* |
/ |
\ |
@ |
bitShift: |
\\ |
bitAnd: |
bitOr: |
(at:) |
(at:put:) |
(size) |
(next) |
(nextPut:) |
(atEnd) |
== |
class |
blockCopy: |
value |
value: |
(do:) |
(new) |
(x) |
(y) |
The selectors in parentheses may be replaced with other selectors by modifying
the compiler and recompiling all methods in the system. The other selectors
are built into the virtual machine.
Any objects referred to in a CompiledMethod's
bytecodes that do not fall into one of the categories above must appear
in its literal frame. The objects ordinarily contained in a literal frame
shared variables (global, class, and pool)
most literal constants (numbers, characters, strings, arrays, and symbols)
most message selectors (those that are not special)
Objects of these three types may be intermixed in the literal frame. If
an object in the literal frame is referenced twice in the same method,
it need only appear in the literal frame once. The two bytecodes that refer
to the object will refer to the same location in the literal frame.
Two types of object that were referred to above,
temporary variables and shared variables, have not been used in the example
methods. The following example method for Rectangle merge:
uses both types. The merge: message is used to find a Rectangle
that includes the areas in both the receiver and the argument.
merge: aRectangle
| minPoint maxPoint |
minPoint := origin min: aRectangle origin.
maxPoint := corner max: aRectangle corner.
^Rectangle origin: minPoint corner: maxPoint
When a CompiledMethod uses temporary variables (maxPoint
and minPoint in this example), the number required is specified
in the first line of its printed form. When a CompiledMethod uses
a shared variable (Rectangle in this example) an instance of Association
included in its literal frame. All CompiledMethods that refer
to a particular shared variable's name include the same Association
in their literal frames.
Rectangle merge: requires
2 temporary variables |
0 |
push the value of the receiver's first instance variable
(origin) onto the stack |
16 |
push the contents of the first temporary frame location
(the argument aRectangle) onto the stack |
209 |
send a unary message with the selector in the second literal
frame location (origin) |
224 |
send the single argument message with the selector in the
first literal frame location (min:) |
105 |
pop the top object off of the stack and stare in the second
temporary frame location (minPoint) |
1 |
push the value of the receiver's second instance variable
(corner) onto the stack |
16 |
push the contents of the first temporary frame location
(the argument aRectangle) onto the stack |
211 |
send a unary message with the selector in the fourth literal
frame location (corner) |
226 |
send a single argument message with the selector in the
third literal frame location (max:) |
106 |
pop the top object off of the stack and store it in the
third temporary frame location (maxPoint) |
69 |
push the value of the shared variable in the sixth literal
frame location (Rectangle) onto the stack |
17 |
push the contents of the second temporary frame location
(minPoint) onto the stack |
18 |
push the contents of the third temporary frame location
(maxPoint) onto the stack |
244 |
send the two argument message with the selector in the
fifth literal frame location (origin:corner:) |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (merge:) |
literal frame
Association: #Rectangle -> Rectangle
Variables Temporary variables are created for a particular
execution of a CompiledMethod and cease to exist when the execution
is complete. The CompiledMethod indicates to the interpreter how
many temporary variables will be required. The arguments of the invoking
message and the values of the temporary variables are stored together in
the temporary frame. The arguments are stored first and the temporary variable
values immediately after. They are accessed by the same type of bytecode
(whose comments refer to a temporary frame location). Since merge:
takes a single argument, its two temporary variables use the second and
third locations in the temporary frame. The compiler enforces the fact
that the values of the argument names cannot be changed by never issuing
a store bytecode referring to the part of the temporary frame inhabited
by the arguments.
Variables Shared variables are found in dictionaries.
global variables in a dictionary whose names can appear in any method
class variables in a dictionary whose names can only appear in the
methods of a single class and its subclasses
pool variables in a dictionary whose names can appear in the methods
of several classes
Shared variables are the individual associations that make up these dictionaries.
The system represents associations in general, and shared variables in
particular, with instances of Association. When the compiler encounters
the name of a shared variable in a source method, the Association
with the same name is included in the CompiledMethod's literal
frame. The bytecodes that access shared variables indicate the location
of an Association in the literal frame. The actual value of the
variable is stored in an instance variable of the Association.
In the CompiledMethod for Rectangle merge: shown above,
class Rectangle is referenced by including the Association
from the global dictionary whose name is the symbol #Rectangle
and whose value is the class Rectangle.
The interpreter
understands 256 bytecode instructions that fall into five categories: pushes,
stores, sends, returns, and jumps. This section gives a general description
of each type of bytecode without going into detail about which bytecode
represents which instruction. Chapter
28 describes the exact meaning of each bytecode. Since more than 256
instructions for the interpreter are needed, some of the bytecodes take
extensions. An extension is one or two bytes following the bytecode that
further specify the instruction. An extension is not an instruction on
its own, it is only a part of an instruction.
Bytecodes A push bytecode indicates the source
of an object to be added to the top of the interpreter's stack. The sources
the receiver of the message that invoked the CompiledMethod
the instance variables of the receiver
the temporary frame (the arguments of the message and the temporary variables)
the literal frame of the CompiledMethod
the top of the stack (i.e., this bytecode duplicates the top of stack)
Examples of most of the types of push bytecode have been included in the
examples. The bytecode that duplicates the top of the stack is used to
implement cascaded messages.
Two different types of push bytecode use the literal
frame as their source. One is used to push literal constants and the other
to push the value of shared variables. Literal constants are stored directly
in the literal frame, but the values of shared variables are stored in
an Association that is pointed to by the literal frame. The following
example method uses one shared variable and one literal constant.
^Index := Index + 4
ExampleClass incrementIndex |
64 |
push the value of the shared variable in the first literal
frame location (Index) onto the stack |
33 |
push the constant in the second literal frame location
(4) onto the stack |
176 |
send a binary message with the selector + |
129,192 |
store the object on top of the stack in the shared variable
in the first literal frame location (Index) |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (incrementIndex) |
literal frame
Association: #Index -> 260
Bytecodes The bytecodes compiled from an assignment
expression end with a store bytecode. The bytecodes before the store bytecode
compute the new value of a variable and leave it on top of the stack. A
store bytecode indicates the variable whose value should be changed. The
variables that can be changed are
the instance variables of the receiver
temporary variables
shared variables
Some of the store bytecodes remove the object to be stored from the stack,
and others leave the object on top of the stack, after storing it.
Bytecodes A send bytecode specifies the selector
of a message to be sent and how many arguments it should have. The receiver
and arguments of the message are taken off the interpreter's stack, the
receiver from below the arguments. By the time the bytecode following the
send is executed, the message's result will have replaced its receiver
and arguments on the top of the stack. The details of sending messages
and returning results is the subject of the next sections of this chapter.
A set of 32 send bytecodes refer directly to the special selectors listed
earlier. The other send bytecodes refer to their selectors in the literal
Bytecodes When a return bytecode is encountered,
the CompiledMethod in which it was found has been completely executed.
Therefore a value is returned for the message that invoked that CompiledMethod.
The value is usually found on top of the stack. Four special return bytecodes
return the message receiver (self), true, false,
and nil.
Bytecodes Ordinarily, the interpreter
executes the bytecodes sequentially in the order they appear in a CompiledMethod.
The jump bytecodes indicate that the next bytecode to execute is not the
one following the jump. There are two varieties of jump, unconditional
and conditional. The unconditional jumps transfer control whenever
they are encountered. The conditional jumps will only transfer control
if the top of the stack is a specified value. Some of the conditional jumps
transfer if the top object on the stack is true and others if
it is false. The jump bytecodes are used to implement efficient
control structures.
The control structures that are so optimized by
the compiler are conditional selection messages to Booleans (ifTrue:,
and ifTrue:ifFalse:), some of the logical operation messages to
Booleans (and: and or:), and the conditional repetition
messages to blocks (whileTrue: and whileFalse:). The
jump bytecodes indicate the next bytecode to be executed relative to the
position of the jump. In other words, they tell the interpreter how many
bytecodes to skip. The following method for Rectangle includesPoint:
uses a conditional jump.
includesPoint: aPoint
origin <= aPoint
ifTrue: [^aPoint < corner]
ifFalse: [^false]
Rectangle includesPoint: |
0 |
push the value of the receiver's first instance variable (origin)
onto the stack |
16 |
push the contents of the first temporary frame location (the argument
onto the stack |
180 |
send a binary message with the selector <= |
155 |
jump ahead 4 bytecodes if the object on top of the stack is false |
16 |
push the contents of the first temporary frame location (the argument
onto the stack |
1 |
push the value of the receiver's second instance variable (corner)
onto the stack |
178 |
send a binary message with the selector < |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the message (
includesPoint:) |
122 |
return false as the value of the message
The Smalltalk-80 interpreter executes the bytecode instructions found in
The interpreter uses five pieces of information and repeatedly performs
a three-step cycle.
The State of the Interpreter
The CompiledMethod whose bytecodes are being executed.
The location of the next bytecode to be executed in that CompiledMethod.
This is the interpreter's instruction pointer.
The receiver and arguments of the message that invoked the CompiledMethod.
Any temporary variables needed by the CompiledMethod.
A stack.
The execution of most bytecodes involves the interpreter's stack. Push
bytecodes tell where to find objects to add to the stack. Store bytecodes
tell where to put objects found on the stack. Send bytecodes remove the
receiver and arguments of messages from the stack. When the result of a
message is computed, it is pushed onto the stack.
The Cycle of the Interpreter
Fetch the bytecode from the CompiledMethod indicated by the instruction
Increment the instruction pointer.
Perform the function specified by the bytecode.
As an example of the interpreter's function, we will trace its execution
of the CompiledMethod for Rectangle center.
The state of the interpreter will be displayed after each of its cycles.
The instruction pointer will be indicated by an arrow pointing at the next
bytecode in the CompiledMethod to be executed.
0 |
push the value of the receiver's first instance
variable (origin) onto the stack
The receiver, arguments, temporary variables, and objects on the stack
will be shown as normally printed (their responses to printString).
For example, if a message is sent to a Rectangle, the receiver
will be shown as
Receiver |
100@100 corner: 200@200
At the start of execution, the stack is empty and the instruction pointer
indicates the first bytecode in the CompiledMethod. This CompiledMethod
does not require temporaries and the invoking message did not have arguments,
so these two categories are also empty.
Method for Rectangle center |
0 |
push the value of the receiver's first instance variable
(origin) onto the stack |
1 |
push the value of the receiver's
second instance variable (corner) onto the stack |
176 |
send a binary message with the selector
+ |
119 |
push the SmallInteger 2
the stack |
185 |
send a binary message with the selector / |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (center) |
Receiver |
100@100 corner: 200@200 |
Arguments |
Temporary Variables |
Stack |
Following one cycle of the interpreter, the instruction
pointer has been advanced and the value of the receiver's first instance
variable has been copied onto the stack.
Method for Rectangle center |
0 |
push the value of the receiver's first instance variable
(origin) onto the stack |
1 |
push the value of the receiver's
second instance variable (corner) onto the stack |
176 |
send a binary message with the selector
+ |
119 |
push the SmallInteger 2
the stack |
185 |
send a binary message with the selector / |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (center) |
Receiver |
100@100 corner: 200@200 |
Arguments |
Temporary Variables |
Stack |
100@100 |
The interpreter's second cycle has an effect
similar to the first. The top of the stack is shown toward the bottom of
the page. This corresponds to the commonly used convention that memory
locations are shown with addresses increasing toward the bottom of the
Method for Rectangle center |
0 |
push the value of the receiver's first instance variable
(origin) onto the stack |
1 |
push the value of the receiver's
second instance variable (corner) onto the stack |
176 |
send a binary message with the selector
+ |
119 |
push the SmallInteger 2
the stack |
185 |
send a binary message with the selector / |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (center) |
Receiver |
100@100 corner: 200@200 |
Arguments |
Temporary Variables |
Stack |
200@200 |
The interpreter's third cycle encounters a send
bytecode. It removes two objects from the stack and uses them as the receiver
and argument of a message with selector + The procedure for sending
the message will not be described in detail here. For the moment, it is
only necessary to know that eventually the result of the + message
will be pushed onto the stack. Sending messages will be described in later
Method for Rectangle center |
0 |
push the value of the receiver's first instance variable
(origin) onto the stack |
1 |
push the value of the receiver's
second instance variable (corner) onto the stack |
176 |
send a binary message with the selector
+ |
119 |
push the SmallInteger 2
the stack |
185 |
send a binary message with the selector / |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (center) |
Receiver |
100@100 corner: 200@200 |
Arguments |
Temporary Variables |
Stack |
300@300 |
The interpreter's next cycle pushes the constant
onto the stack.
Method for Rectangle center |
0 |
push the value of the receiver's first instance variable
(origin) onto the stack |
1 |
push the value of the receiver's
second instance variable (corner) onto the stack |
176 |
send a binary message with the selector
+ |
119 |
push the SmallInteger 2
the stack |
185 |
send a binary message with the selector / |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (center) |
Receiver |
100@100 corner: 200@200 |
Arguments |
Temporary Variables |
Stack |
2 |
The interpreter's next cycle sends another message
whose result replaces its receiver and arguments on the stack.
Method for Rectangle center |
0 |
push the value of the receiver's first instance variable
(origin) onto the stack |
1 |
push the value of the receiver's
second instance variable (corner) onto the stack |
176 |
send a binary message with the selector
+ |
119 |
push the SmallInteger 2
the stack |
185 |
send a binary message with the selector / |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (center) |
Receiver |
100@100 corner: 200@200 |
Arguments |
Temporary Variables |
Stack |
150@150 |
The final bytecode returns a result to the center
message. The result is found on the stack (150@150). It is clear
by this point that a return bytecode must involve pushing the result onto
another stack. The details of returning a value to a message will be described
after the description of sending a message.
Push, store, and jump bytecodes
require only small changes to the state of the interpreter. Objects may
be moved to or from the stack, and the instruction pointer is always changed;
but most of the state remains the same. Send and return bytecodes may require
much larger changes to the interpreter's state. When a message is sent,
all five parts of the interpreter's state may have to be changed in order
to execute a different CompiledMethod in response to this new
message. The interpreter's old state must be remembered because the bytecodes
after the send must be executed after the value of the message is returned.
The interpreter saves its state in objects called
There will be many contexts in the system at any one time. The context
that represents the current state of the interpreter is called the active
context. When a send bytecode in the active context's
requires a new CompiledMethod to be executed, the active context
becomes suspended and a new context is created and made active.
The suspended context retains the state associated with the original CompiledMethod
until that context becomes active again. A context must remember the context
that it suspended so that the suspended context can be resumed when a result
is returned. The suspended context is called the new context's sender.
The form used to show the interpreter's state in
the last section will be used to show contexts as well. The active context
will be indicated by the word Active in its top delimiter. Suspended
contexts will say Suspended. For example, consider a context representing
the execution of the CompiledMethod for Rectangle rightCenter
a receiver of 100@100 corner: 200@200. The source
method for Rectangle rightCenter is
^self right @ self center y
The interpreter's state following execution of the first bytecode is shown
below. The sender is some other context in the system.
Method for Rectangle rightCenter |
112 |
push the receiver (self) onto the stack |
208 |
send a unary message with the selector in the first literal
(right) |
112 |
push the receiver (self) onto the stack |
209 |
send the unary message with the selector in the second
literal (center) |
207 |
send the unary message with the selector y |
187 |
send the binary message with the selector @ |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (rightCenter) |
literal frame
#center |
Receiver |
100@100 corner: 200@200 |
Arguments |
Temporary Variables |
Stack |
100@100 corner: 200@200 |
Sender |
After the next bytecode is executed, that context
will be suspended. The object pushed by the first bytecode has been removed
to be used as the receiver of a new context, which becomes active. The
new active context is shown above the suspended context.
Method for Rectangle right |
1 |
push the value of the receiver's second instance variable
(corner) onto the stack |
206 |
send a unary message with the selector x |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (right) |
Receiver |
100@100 corner: 200@200 |
Arguments |
Temporary Variables |
Stack |
Sender |
Method for Rectangle rightCenter |
112 |
push the receiver (self) onto the stack |
208 |
send a unary message with the selector in the first literal
( right) |
112 |
push the receiver (self) onto the stack |
209 |
send the unary message with the selector in the second
literal (center) |
207 |
send the unary message with the selector y |
187 |
send the binary message with the selector @ |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (rightCenter) |
literal frame
#center |
Receiver |
100@100 corner: 200@200 |
Arguments |
Temporary Variables |
Stack |
Sender |
The next cycle of the interpreter advances the
new context instead of the previous one.
Method for Rectangle right |
1 |
push the value of the receiver's second instance variable
(corner) onto the stack |
206 |
send a unary message with the selector x |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (right) |
Receiver |
100@100 corner: 200@200 |
Arguments |
Temporary Variables |
Stack |
200@200 |
Sender |
Method for Rectangle rightCenter |
112 |
push the receiver (self) onto the stack |
208 |
send a unary message with the selector in the first literal
(right) |
112 |
push the receiver (self) onto the stack |
209 |
send the unary message with the selector in the second
literal (center) |
207 |
send the unary message with the selector y |
187 |
send the binary message with the selector @ |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (rightCenter) |
literal frame
#center |
Receiver |
100@100 corner: 200@200 |
Arguments |
Temporary Variables |
Stack |
Sender |
In the next cycle, another message is sent, perhaps
creating another context. Instead of following the response of this new
message (x), we will skip to the point that this context returns
a value (to right). When the result of x has been returned,
the new context looks like this:
Method for Rectangle right |
1 |
push the value of the receiver's second instance variable
(corner) onto the stack |
206 |
send a unary message with the selector x |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (right) |
Receiver |
100@100 corner: 200@200 |
Arguments |
Temporary Variables |
Stack |
200 |
Sender |
Method for Rectangle rightCenter |
112 |
push the receiver (self) onto the stack |
208 |
send a unary message with the selector in the first literal
(right) |
112 |
push the receiver (self) onto the stack |
209 |
send the unary message with the selector in the second
literal (center) |
207 |
send the unary message with the selector y |
187 |
send the binary message with the selector @ |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (rightCenter) |
literal frame
#center |
Receiver |
100@100 corner: 200@200 |
Arguments |
Temporary Variables |
Stack |
Sender |
The next bytecode returns the value on the top
of the active context's stack (200) as the value of the message
that created the context (right). The active context's sender
becomes the active context again and the returned value is pushed on its
Method for Rectangle rightCenter |
112 |
push the receiver (self) onto the stack |
208 |
send a unary message with the selector in the first literal
(right) |
112 |
push the receiver (self) onto the stack |
209 |
send the unary message with the selector in the second
literal (center) |
207 |
send the unary message with the selector y |
187 |
send the binary message with the selector @ |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (rightCenter) |
literal frame
#center |
Receiver |
100@100 corner: 200@200 |
Arguments |
Temporary Variables |
Stack |
200 |
Sender |
The contexts illustrated in the
last section are represented in the system by instances of MethodContext.
A MethodContext represents the execution of a CompiledMethod
in response to a message. There is another type of context in the system,
which is represented by instances of BlockContext. A BlockContext
represents a block in a source method that is not part of an optimized
control structure. The compilation of the optimized control structures
was described in the earlier section on jump bytecodes. The bytecodes compiled
from a nonoptimized control structure are illustrated by the following
hypothetical method in Collection. This method returns a collection
of the classes of the receiver's elements.
^self collect: [:element | element class]
Collection classes requires
1 temporary variable |
112 |
push the receiver (self) onto the stack |
137 |
push the active context (thisContext) onto the
stack |
118 |
push the SmallInteger 1 onto the stack |
200 |
send a single argument message with the selector blockCopy: |
164,4 |
jump around the next 4 bytes |
104 |
pop the top object off of the stack and store in the first
temporary frame location (element) |
16 |
push the contents of the first temporary frame location
(element) onto the stack |
199 |
send a unary message with the selector class |
125 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
block |
224 |
send a single argument message with the selector in the
first literal frame location (collect:) |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (classes) |
literal frame
A new BlockContext is created by the blockCopy: message
to the active context. The bytecode that pushes the active context was
not described along with the rest of the push bytecodes since the function
of contexts had not been described at that point. The argument to blockCopy:
in this example) indicates the number of block arguments the block requires.
The BlockContext shares much of the state of the active context
that creates it. The receiver, arguments, temporary variables,
and sender are all the same. The BlockContext has its own instruction
pointer and stack. Upon returning from the blockCopy: message,
the newly created BlockContext is on the stack of the active context
and the next instruction jumps around the bytecodes that describe the actions
of the block. The active context gave the BlockContext an initial
instruction pointer pointing to the bytecode after this jump. The compiler
always uses an extended (two-byte) jump after a blockCopy: so
that the BlockContext's initial instruction pointer is always
two more than the active context's instruction pointer when it receives
the blockCopy: message.
The method for Collection classes creates
a BlockContext, but does not execute its bytecodes. When the collection
receives the collect: message, it will repeatedly send value:
messages to the BlockContext with the elements of the collection
as arguments. A BlockContext responds to value: by becoming
the active context, which causes its bytecodes to be executed by the interpreter.
Before the BlockContext becomes active, the argument to value:
pushed onto the BlockContext's stack. The first bytecode executed
by the BlockContext stores this value in a temporary variable
used for the block argument.
A BlockContext can return a value in two
ways. After the bytecodes in the block have been executed, the final value
on the stack is returned as the value of the message value or
The block can also return a value to the message that invoked the
that created the BlockContext. This is done with the regular return
bytecodes. The hypothetical method for Collection containsInstanceOf:
uses both types of return from a BlockContext.
containsInstanceOf: aClass
self do: [:element | (element isKindOf: aClass) ifTrue: [^true]].
Collection containsInstanceOf:
1 temporary variable |
112 |
push the receiver (self) onto the stack |
137 |
push the active context (thisContext) onto the
stack |
118 |
push the SmallInteger 1 onto the stack |
200 |
send a single argument message with the selector blockCopy: |
164,8 |
jump around the next 8 bytes |
105 |
pop the top object off of the stack and store in the second
temporary frame location (element) |
17 |
push the contents of the second temporary frame location
(element) onto the stack |
16 |
push the contents of the first temporary frame location
(aClass) onto the stack |
224 |
send a single argument message with the selector in the
first literal frame location (isKindOf:) |
152 |
pop the top object off of the stack and jump around 1 byte
if it is false |
121 |
return true as the value of the message (containsInstanceOf:) |
115 |
push nil onto the stack |
125 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
block |
203 |
send the single argument message with the selector do: |
135 |
pop the top object off the stack |
122 |
return false as the value of the message (containsInstanceOf:) |
literal frame
Then a send bytecode is encountered,
the interpreter finds the CompiledMethod indicated by the message
as follows.
1. |
Find the message receiver. The receiver is below the arguments
on the stack. The number of arguments is indicated in the send bytecode. |
2. |
Access a message dictionary. The original message dictionary
is found in the receiver's class. |
3. |
Look up the message selector in the message dictionary. The
selector is indicated in the send bytecode. |
4. |
If the selector is found, the associated CompiledMethod
describes the response to the message. |
5. |
If the selector is not found, a new message
dictionary must be searched (returning to step 3). The new message dictionary
will be found in the superclass of the last class whose message dictionary
was searched. This cycle may be repeated several times, traveling up the
superclass chain.
If the selector is not found in the receiver's class nor in any of its
superclasses, an error is reported, and execution of the bytecodes following
the send is suspended.
Sends A variation of the send bytecodes called super-sends
uses a slightly different algorithm to find the CompiledMethod
associated with a message. Everything is the same except for the second
step, which specifies the original message dictionary to search. When a
super-send is encountered, the following second step is substituted.
2. |
Access a message dictionary. The original
message dictionary is found in the superclass of the class in which the
currently executing CompiledMethod was found.
Super-send bytecodes are used when super is used as the receiver
of a message in a source method. The bytecode used to push the receiver
will be the same as if self had been used, but a super-send bytecode
will be used to describe the selector.
As an example of the use of a super-send, imagine
a subclass of Rectangle called ShadedRectangle that adds
an instance variable named shade. A Rectangle might respond
to the message shade: by producing a new ShadedRectangle.
provides a new method for the message intersect:
, returning a
instead of a Rectangle. This method must use super to
access its own ability to actually compute the intersection.
intersect: aRectangle
^(super intersect: aRectangle) shade: shade
ShadedRectangle intersect: |
112 |
push the receiver (self) onto the stack |
16 |
push the contents of the first temporary frame location
(the argument aRectangle) onto the stack |
133,33 |
send to super a single argument message with the
selector in the second literal frame location (intersect:) |
2 |
push the value of the receiver's third instance variable
(shade) onto the stack |
224 |
send a single argument message with the selector in the
first literal frame location (shade:) |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (intersect:) |
literal frame
Association: #ShadedRectangle -> ShadedRectangle
It is important to note that the initial class searched in response to
a super-send will be the superclass of the receiver's class only if the
containing the super-send was originally found the receiver's class. If
the CompiledMethod was originally found in a superclass of the
receiver's class, the search will start in that class's superclass.
Since the interpreter's state does not include the class in which it found
each CompiledMethod, that information is included in the CompiledMethod
itself. Every CompiledMethod that includes a super-send bytecode
refers to the class in whose message dictionary it is found. The last entry
of the literal frame of those CompiledMethods contains an association
referring to the class.
The interpreter's actions after
finding a CompiledMethod depend on whether or not the CompiledMethod
indicates that a primitive method may be able to respond to the
message. If no primitive method is indicated, a new MethodContext
is created and made active as described in previous sections. If a primitive
method is indicated in the CompiledMethod, the interpreter may
be able to respond to the message without actually executing the bytecodes.
For example, one of the primitive methods is associated with the +
message to instances of SmallInteger.
+ addend
<primitive: 1>
^super + addend
SmallInteger + associated
with primitive #1 |
112 |
push the receiver (self) onto the stack |
16 |
push the contents of the first temporary frame location
(the argument addend) onto the stack |
133,32 |
send to super a single argument message with the
selector in the first literal frame location (+) |
124 |
return the object on top of the stack as the value of the
message (+) |
literal frame
Even if a primitive method is indicated for a CompiledMethod,
the interpreter may not be able to respond successfully. For example, the
argument of the + message might not be another instance of SmallInteger
the sum might not be representable by a SmallInteger. If the interpreter
cannot execute the primitive for some reason, the primitive is said to
When a primitive fails, the bytecodes in the CompiledMethod
executed as if the primitive method had not been indicated. The method
for SmallInteger + indicates that the + method in the
superclass (Integer) will be used if the primitive fails.
There are about a hundred primitive methods in the
system that perform four types of operation. The exact function of all
of the primitives will be described in Chapter
Storage management
Object Memory
The object memory provides the interpreter with an interface to the objects
that make up the Smalltalk-80 virtual image. Each object is associated
with a unique identifier called its object pointer. The object memory
and interpreter communicate about objects with object pointers. The size
of object pointers determines the maximum number of objects a Smalltalk-80
system can contain. This number is not fixed by anything about the language,
but the implementation described in this book uses 16-bit object pointers,
allowing 65536 objects to be referenced. Implementation of the Smalltalk-80
system with larger object references will require changing certain parts
of the virtual machine specification. It is not within the scope of this
book to detail the relevant changes.
The object memory associates each object pointer
with a set of other object pointers. Every object pointer is associated
with the object pointer of a class. If an object has instance variables,
its object pointer is also associated with the object pointers of their
values. The individual instance variables are referred to by zero-relative
integer indices. The value of an instance variable can be changed, but
the class associated with an object cannot be changed. The object memory
provides the following five fundamental functions to the interpreter.
1. |
Access the value of an object's instance variable. The
object pointer of the instance and the index of the instance variable must
be supplied. The object pointer of the instance variable's value is returned. |
2. |
Change the value of an object's instance variable. The
object pointer of the instance and the index of the instance variable must
be supplied. The object pointer of the new value must also be supplied. |
3. |
Access an object's class. The object pointer of the instance
must be supplied. The object pointer of the instance's class is returned. |
4. |
Create a new object. The object pointer of the new object's
class and the number of instance variables it should have must be supplied.
The object pointer of the new instance is returned. |
5. |
Find the number of instance variables
an object has. The object's pointer must be supplied. The number of instance
variables is returned.
There is no explicit function of the object memory to remove an object
no longer being used because these objects are reclaimed automatically.
An object is reclaimed when there are no object pointers to it from other
objects. This reclamation can be accomplished either by reference counting
or garbage collection.
There are two additional features of the object
memory that provide efficient representation of numerical information.
The first of these sets aside certain object pointers for instances of
class SmallInteger . The second allows objects to contain integer
values instead of object pointers.
of Small Integers The instances of class SmallInteger
represent the integers -16384 through 16383. Each of these instances is
assigned a unique object pointer. These object pointers all have a 1 in
the low-order bit position and the two's complement representation of their
value in the high-order 15 bits. An instance of SmallInteger needs
no instance storage since both its class and its value can be determined
from its object pointer. Two additional functions are provided by the object
memory to convert back and forth between SmallInteger object pointers
and numerical values.
6. |
Find the numerical value represented by a SmallInteger. The
object pointer of the SmallInteger must be supplied. The two's
complement value is returned. |
7. |
Find the SmallInteger representing a
numerical value. The two's complement value must be supplied. A SmallInteger
object pointer is returned.
This representation for SmallIntegers implies that there can be
32768 instances of the other classes in the system. It also implies that
equality (=) and equivalence (==) will be the same for instances of SmallInteger.
Integers outside the range -16384 through 16383 are represented by instances
of class LargePositiveInteger or LargeNegativeInteger.
There may be several instances representing the same value, so equality
and equivalence are different.
of Integer Values Another special representation
is included for objects representing collections of integers. Instead of
storing the object pointers of the SmallIntegers representing
the contents of the collection, the actual numerical values are stored.
The values in these special collections are constrained to be positive.
There are two varieties of collection, one limiting its values to be less
than 256 and the other limiting its values to be less than 65536. The object
memory provides functions analogous to the first five listed in this section,
but for objects whose contents are numerical values instead of object pointers.
The distinction between objects that contain object
pointers and those that contain integer values is never visible to the
Smalltalk-80 programmer. When one of these special numerical collections
is accessed by sending it a message, the object pointer of an object representing
the value is returned. The nature of these special collections is only
evident in that they may refuse to store objects that do not represent
integers within the proper range.
The Smalltalk-80 implementation has been described as a virtual machine
to avoid unnecessary hardware dependencies. It is naturally assumed that
the hardware will include a processor and more than enough memory to store
the virtual image and the machine language routines simulating the interpreter
and object memory. The current size of the virtual image requires at least
a half megabyte of memory.
The size of the processor and the organization of
the memory are not actually constrained by the virtual machine specification.
Since object pointers are 16 bits, the most convenient arrangement would
be a 16-bit processor and a memory of 16-bit words. As with the processor
and memory of any system, the faster the better.
The other hardware requirements are imposed by the
primitives that the virtual image depends on. These input-output devices
and clocks are listed below.
A bitmap display. It is most convenient if the bitmap being displayed can
be located in the object memory, although this is not absolutely necessary.
A pointing device.
Three buttons associated with the pointing device. It is most convenient
if these are physically located on the device.
A keyboard, either decoded ASCII or undecoded ALTO.
A disk. The standard Smalltalk-80 virtual image contains only a skeleton
disk system that must be tailored to the actual disk used.
A millisecond timer.
A real time clock with one second resolution.
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